Selasa, 12 April 2011

Aren't memories supposed to fade?

It never crossed my mind at all. That's what I tell myself. What we had has come and gone. You're better off with someone else. It's for the best I know it is but I see you. Sometimes I try to hide what I feel inside. And I turn around, you're with her now. I just can't figure it out..
Tell me why you're so hard to forget. Don't remind me, I'm not over it. Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth. I'm just a little too not over you. Aren't memories supposed to fade? What's wrong with my heart? Shake it off, let it go :( Didn't think it'd be this hard..
Should be strong, movin' on but I see you. Sometimes I try to hide what I feel inside. And I turn around, you're with her now. I just can't figure it out.
Tell me why you're so hard to forget. Don't remind me, I'm not over it. Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth. I'm just a little too not over you.
Maybe I regret everything I said. No way to take it all back, yeah. Now I'm on my own, how I let you go.
I'll never understand.
I'll never understand!

i've got an accident this afternoon

mungkin ALLAH mau negur aku biar gak lalai lagi soalnya aku sering banget gak ikut solat ashar berjamaah (meskipun ini baru sekali dalam kurun waktu duabulan terakhir) tapi.. emang daridasarnya aku lebih terlalu interest curhat*an sm temenku itu.. Nah terus aku kepikiran solat ashar pas tementemen ngajakin latian PEBUTIKS (Pentas Busana Batik)~ hass. tapi emang darisononya aku mbandeel, akhirnya disekolah gejean bikin foto parno sm anak* PEBUTIKS itu.. teroos, satupersatu pulang sekitar jam setengah limaan, aku liat HP ternyata ada SMS dari ceceh. Dia ngajakin aku beli kado buat Moudy (Adeknya ceceh)~
Kayaknya udah agak bete aku sm Dance PEBUTIKS yang gak nemu titik temunya, aku ijin kaboor, aku nemenin ceceh nyah itu.. nah pas sampe digerbang ada masd*** didepan, aku langsung jantungan!~ *.*
Soklebaynya aku gak konseen, tanganku gemeter..ssh~ Terus nulun manggil dy mintak dianterin pulang (hm. sebenernya gak sesingkat yang diceritakan) yawda aku anterin..
Sampek diruma nulun aku dipanggil am Hilma Amel (Adeknya nulun) mereka lagi main bulu tangkis tapi kocknya (gataunulisnya pokoknya bola yang dipakek buat maen bulutangkis yang ada bulunya itu :/) nyangkut di atas genteng, yawda aku bantu mereka terus aku balik ke sekolah buat jemput ceceh lagi..
Abis itu aku tertarik liat banner yang dipampang didepan sekolahan ada foto anak* konyol + guru* koplak. aku ketawa tapi ceceh engga :/
Nah trus aku balik deh mw nganterin ceceh ke KITTY (Nama Toko Mainan di daerah Paiton) buat beli kadonya Moudy.
kayaknya emang feelingku bener (tapi gausah diceritain ya) akhirnya craaaaash~ aku ditabrak motor bapak* dari samping kanan yang alhasil membuat badanku biru* + ada darah di bagian tanganku yang beku jadinya warna ungu (yeeeeeeeeeeess:*) pasca jatuh itu aku gak mikirin apa* cuma mikirin ceceh :/ untungnya dy cuma lecet* doanks. jadi diantara kita bertiga (aku, ceceh, bapak* itu) kayaknya akudeh yangpaling paraah brr~
tapi alhamdulillah aku gaklukaberat. aduh ampun deh kalok sampe kejadian!! Naudzubillah deh..
Akhirnya karena malu kami (aku+ceceh) beli kadonya di CHERRY (Nama Toko Mainan di daeran Paiton agak lebih kecil dari KITTY) untungnya aku pulang dengan selamat membawa BEAT HITAM (sepedaku) dan kaca spion yang lumayan berantakan :/

Minggu, 10 April 2011

This is for you.

I know that things have been hard for you for the longest time, and things will continue to be hard, but I don’t ever want you to give up. I know you have those days when you just say ‘fuck it, how am I suppose to go on ? I don’t see a point anymore’ but you have to remember that it’s not going to rain forever. I know it may seem like it’s been forever that you’ve been stuck in a hellhole, but rain and thunder only lasts for so long. I know you can get through this one way or another, and someday, things will slowly start to get better. I don’t know when, I don’t know how, but things will get better, I promise you. I know things have been hard between us, and we do have those rough patches sometimes, but remember that no matter what I’ll always be here for you. no matter how hard things get, I’ll always do my best to help you and be there for you 200%. :p
I love you and I always will, I won’t ever give up on you. <3